Owners Corporation Law

You are likely to be a member of an Owners Corporation (formerly known as body corporate) if you own a flat, apartment or unit. This law sets out the duties and powers of the Owners Corporations.

We understand the complexity of relationships that exist between a lot owner, manager, occupier or tenant of the owners corporation. We are able to advise with disputes involving these parties and are across the continual changes and developments within the industry.

Our aim is to ensure the smooth running of the Owners Corporation for our clients by moving things forward and taking the appropriate steps when problems arise.

TDL Services include:

- Advice on Owners Corporation rules and internal grievance procedures

- Breach notices and right and remedies

- Application to the Owners Corporation List of the Victorian and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT)

For additional information about our ability to navigate Owners Corporation law and assist you further in these matters, please call us (03) 7020 6513 or click here and we will contact you.